Tuesday, October 22, 2019

QUOTES 10/5/2019

“In our American culture we have pushed our senior citizens to the back of the shelf. . . To see someone in their ‘golden years’ naked is at first a potential shock.  It happened first to us when our fathers were ill.  We were so unprepared to deal with their nudity.  Now years later as we’ve been in various naturist contexts, we’ve come to see (once again) how popular culture has conditioned us that the body of an aged person is ugly.  How sad.  Thanks to social nudity, we now look upon the human form, regardless of age, as something beautiful – yes, wrinkles and all.” - http://www.oursunhome.com/christian_nudist.htm

“2012 - Isso te Interessa? (Video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-cYuYV8jsc&t=2s

“Five famous people who enjoyed nakedness: Jennifer Hawkins (Model), Jerry Seinfeld (Comedian/TV Star), Jim Carrey (Actor), Jimmy Buffett (Singer), Jennifer Aniston (TV Actor).

“I would imagine the last person to see me nude was the man who saw me hiking in the woods a few weeks ago, and we had about a 5-minute conversation!  I told him this was the only place in our little prudish area in MO that I could be nude and no one cared!  He told I was right, and to have a good day!” – abhchelms, https://www.truenudists.com/group/everyday-naked-living-revamped/2/103585/5/

“My/our best naked hikes have been with a group of 20 to 30 nudists on NEWT in the Austrian Alps.  Inevitably we encounter other hikers.  Their reaction on seeing so many nude hikers varies from amusement to neutral.  Often they will stop and chat.  And some ask to be photographed surrounded by all these nudists.” – Ollygrumps, https://www.truenudists.com/groups/view.php?action=viewthread&id=132&idt=107802&page=2

Every vacation should be a nakation.  If you haven't tried it, you're missing out.  Live life naked.” - https://twitter.com/ohionaturist/status/764175144260628482

“I was working on the John Deere in the dog pen, sweating my butt off, when I discovered that I could see nothing but sky and fence.  I thought, why not get comfortable and work on it naked?  After that, I was hooked.  I put up a sign that said nudist zone.” - Dave88

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