Friday, October 25, 2019

QUOTES 10/13/2019

“Kurt Barthel became known as the founder of American nudism.  He was a German immigrant who moved to New York.  Barthel, who had become friendly with other German immigrants who practiced social nudism allowed himself to be designated as a contact person for Americans who were interested in the nudist approach to life. . . In 1929, on Labor Day, Barthel led a group of people to a picnic in the Hudson Mountains.  What made the outing unique in America was the fact that each member of the party picnicked in the nude, thus creating the first organized nudist recreation.  He organized his attendees into a dues-paying club and named them the American League for Physical Culture (ALPC).  In 1930, he moved the group to Spring Valley, New York and opened the first official nudist club.  By 1931, the club had over 200 members . . .” – Jordan Blum,

“Fête de l’humanité 2016, participante teste le naturisme” (Video) -

 “I haven't been to the Greek islands for a few years now but when I was last there, nudity was against the law. . . However, most guide books indicate that nudity is accepted on beaches throughout the islands.  Nearly everywhere I've been to in Greece I've found a naturist beach or I have been able to go naked somewhere.  Obviously, popular resort beaches and town beaches are textile.  Beaches near/adjacent to hotels and tourist accommodation are also textile. . . Once away from these tourist centers, and it may be simply the far end of the beach or around to the next bay, you will be able to be naked. . . the further you walk along the coast away from a resort the fewer clothes you will, probably, need.  The other thing that happens a lot in Greece is that the first people on the quiet beaches set the trend.  So, get there early and strip off and others will follow your example. . . Also, it's easier to be naked at the start and end of the season rather than when the crowds are there in July and August.  Hire a bike and explore the coast or get a local boatman to take you to a deserted beach.  I always look out for the old donkey tracks which lead to all manner of interesting places if you've the energy.  Even if they only take you to an inland village they avoid the roads and traffic.  I've walked naked for miles along these old tracks and arrived at unspoilt villages for a leisurely lunch before returning to the coast for a swim and sundowner.” - Martin,;topicseen

“I strongly think we could create a culture that largely doesn't bat an eye to . . . nudity within a couple of generations.  There's nothing inherent to human nature that is offended by nudity.  Different cultures have different attitudes towards nudity and some tribal people live in constant communal nudity and it just becomes life, of course we separate ourselves from and dehumanize them as ‘primitive’ or ‘savage’ for having no shame in this sense.” – Daisyboob,

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