Monday, September 30, 2019

QUOTES 9/30/2019

“I have always been oversized and self-conscious.  My mom suggested I give it [naturism] a try because I would feel so much more comfortable with my clothes off.  She was right!  And the great thing is, nobody made fun of me or my imperfections!  In the few years I have been a nudist, I have seen all shapes and sizes, and I am proud of the way everyone is just so accepting of everyone else.  I am glad I didn’t wait to lose my extra pounds before I tried it, because I never would have come!  And by the way, I felt so much better about myself after becoming a nudist, that it motivated me to lose the weight.  Want my advice?  Do it!” - A.A.,

“El problema son los estándares irreales de belleza” Video -

“When I go biking down one of the local rail-trails I bike till it crosses a river and take the path down to the river.  It bends out of site from the trail so I can drop the trunks and walk across the river and sand bars.  Great time!” – SunnMaxx,

“We face a lot of discrimination, much more, in fact, than the LGBT community . . . has faced in some ways.  And we naturists will never win the rights won by LGBT people anywhere. . . forget about equality.  It’s never going to happen.  Naturists will always be forced into social settings reserved specifically for them, with warning signs for the general public.  Think of clothing-optional sections of beaches, for example, as semi-closets, with signs on the doors warning people that naked people are lurking inside. . . naturists yearning for a future when we can be naked in most public locations are dreaming.  We will always be restricted in where we can appear in our natural state — and in some countries, there will be no such options at all.” -

“In my experience, the consumption of pornography is nearly universal among young men, and the effects are never neutral.  Researchers indicate that only 3 percent of boys and 17 percent of girls have never seen pornography. . . First exposure most often occurs during adolescence, when the brain is still forming and very impressionable by graphic images. . . Porn comes from the depths of hell, and is calculated to destroy the characters of young men before they even have a chance to grow into a healthy sense of who they are and what they can become.  Once your mind becomes pornified, I tell them, two things gradually happen: You lose any higher sense of self, and your relationships become distorted.” – Johannes L. Jacobse,

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