Saturday, September 28, 2019

QUOTES 9/28/2019

“Why wear clothes when it’s hot and you can do things nude?  Walking, running, swimming, waterskiing, playing volley ball, tennis, or cards, or pool, cooking, dining, having a drink, kayaking, sailing do not require clothes in most situation.  So honestly why wearing clothes when you can be nude?” –

“Nudist Speaks on Body Art” (Video) -

“In my twenty plus years of enjoying clothing optional recreation, I’ve met a number of men and a few women whose spouses didn’t share the other’s enthusiasm for social nudity. . . Unfortunately, their divided opinions often created problems within their relationship. . . Most partners thought the options were fairly simple:  A compromise, with one spouse participating in nude activities alone, or the nudist member giving up their interest in naturism in favor of maintaining harmony in the relationship. . . protests from the dissenting spouse . . . usually reflect some combination of misunderstanding, trepidation, and sometimes outright fear. . . And while it might seem the best strategy is to attack their illogical arguments head-on, remember the real culprit is usually fear – an emotional response to what they imagine the experience will be like – which in many cases is either inaccurate or based on common misconceptions.” - Jaye Frances, NUSA Sun, Vol. 8, #9

“I’m a naturist who values respect, sees beauty in all bodies, and is fully able to disconnect sex with nudity.  I’m not a swinger, I’m not an exhibitionist, I’m not out to shock or offend anyone.  I’m actually quite reserved and conservative. . . I ask people to respect that and withhold judgement.” -

“I am an American lawyer, living on the East Coast of the US, and have been a nudist and naturist almost my whole life — through high school, college, law school, a successful professional career, a long and happy marriage, and raising children.” – David K.,

“It feels so natural and right to be who you are whenever possible, even when driving, and naked is who I am and who I need to be.” - Kenfreehiker

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