Monday, September 23, 2019

DeAnza 5K

Happy birthday - I'm 70!  Amazing.

Amy gave me a gift of a 5K run at DeAnza (my 4th).  We carnuded to the California resort the day of my birthday (Saturday - 9/21/19).  Carnuding for a total of at least 6 hours felt great!  The only time we got clothed was stopping for lunch at a Chinese restaurant in Yuma, and getting gas (I just wore my short kilt and a t-shirt.)

We checked in (I got a "I Sing Naked" t-shirt and Amy got a pretty silky cover-up), and set up the trailer, then lay in the sun by the pool for awhile.

We ate a naked dinner at the clubhouse (nice), and then gathered with others to sing naked karaoke and dance, then off to bed in the trailer.  It got quite cold (we didn't have electric) so had trouble sleeping.

Sunday morning we gathered with at least 100 naked people to run the 5K.

We walked slowly, took some photos, and came in last, but still got orange bags and nice towels.

We had planned to stay Sunday night, but decided to drive home and stay warm.  Six or so hours of carnuding, and we made it back to our naturist-friendly place.  This was one of my favorite birthdays; what a nice way to celebrate turning 70.  Thanks Amy!

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