Sunday, September 1, 2019

QUOTES 9/1/2019

“My teen daughter and I were out hiking last Wednesday.  Okay, we were actually hiking naked last Wednesday.  We’d chosen a seldom used trail to a small waterfall so we could enjoy the day hiking naked.” – Nudistmom,

“Nudists in Winter” (Video) -

“I was sitting next to two couples at the beach one day . . . Another nudist dropped by to talk to them, and I overheard . . . The two couples were actually neighbors!  The nudist couple had actually recently moved next to the non-nudist couple.  I'm not sure whether Couple B saw them being nude at home and brought it up, or Couple A initiated that conversation.  Regardless of how, Couple A got the ‘OK!’ from Couple B to be nude on their property.  So they did, and became friends with Couple B.  When Couple A invited Couple B to go to Mazo Beach with them, they evidently agreed! . . . As I saw the four of them socializing nude and having a good time, I marveled at how awesome it is to have neighbors that not only give you the ‘OK!’, but also seize the opportunity to try it themselves.  I can imagine how great it must be to be nude in your backyard; and have your neighbors drop by for some nude socializing. . . it's not impossible!”

“I grew up in the country and most everybody swam nude at a local lake, boys and girls.  When you are 8 years old, there aren’t a lot of the hang-ups you accumulate as you get older.  It’s nothing special.  It’s just something you do.” – Jasper,

“In a free society, there is no dress code.” -

“There is less, much less sexuality to a naturist’s lifestyle than to clothing obsessed and enforced lifestyles.  The experience of body freedom is an experience of liberation, not an expression of sexual freedom.  Much of the previously sexual becomes nonsexual, asexual, that is the only liberation.  Once the initial buzz from body repression wears off, naturism is a whole new world.” – Jbeegoode,;topicseen

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