Wednesday, September 18, 2019

QUOTES 9/18/2019

“Scandinavians are known for their permissive attitudes toward nudity, perhaps a reflex from their sauna culture (what else is there to do during their endless winters?).  Naturist family campgrounds such as Lillebaelts and Snapphanens blossom each Spring to full capacity.  Throughout the Baltic region, nudism enjoys broad popularity.” -

“Vanuatu jungle people” (Video) -

“Got a hot tub a year ago and we soak nearly every night.  Wind is about the only thing that keeps me from soaking.  The tub is under a walnut tree and when the wind blows those nuts come down like hail. . . My wife also surprised me this summer.  We made a trip to Georgia and without my asking she booked us at a nudist resort for a day.  It was great.  She even liked it enough that now she will be planning all trips around nude spots.” – FoggynMisty, Personal email

“We were all born nude.  We see nudity every day.  Anyone who says they are offended by nudity is lying.  Anyone who thinks kids need to be protected from the natural human form needs help.” - Matt Heath,

“At Queen's Gardens in central Hull amongst 3500 other nervous nudes-to-be, I was surprised by how normal everyone seemed.  There was a diverse mix of ages - from 18 through to 80+. There seemed an equal split between men and women, and no-one looked particularly pervy.  When Spencer Tunick gave us the order to strip off . . . I decided the only approach that made sense was to think ‘stuff it’ and be my bravest self.  I stripped off quickly and applied the blue paint . . .[a] fully committed Smurf. . . when I imagined seeing other people naked, I imagined it in a full frontal capacity only.  The reality is far more 3D. . . Weirdly I felt slightly amused, in a benevolent sort of way, and not horrified - it actually put me at ease.  I felt rather warmly towards these people who were evidently so vulnerable in front of me - flappy bits and all . . . there were plenty with bodies like mine, and I adored them all for it. . . Not one person had a body like those you see . . . in the media.  There were lumps and bumps, dangly bits, cellulite, hair, no hair, scars.  There were people in wheelchairs and people on crutches.  Everyone was imperfect - and so wonderfully, so magically perfect at the same time. For the first time in my life, I realized that it wasn't me who didn't fit in, it was everyone who didn't fit in.  It lit a glow inside me that is still burning.  It changed me, and I can't quite explain how.” -

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