Thursday, November 15, 2018

QUOTES 11/15/2018

“For many years I have been interested in Nudism but as I do not have a partner with the same interests I practice nudism at home.  It feels great - the freedom of no clothes, the air, and sun in moderation.  Early sun is the best, but not for long.  Doing everyday chores in the nude is a wonderful feeling.  I always have a pair of shorts handy when the doorbell rings!” – Sorbent

“. . . during my naked venture into the Camden Hills SP in Maine this past September . . . The overnight hut there, is located down a short trail, below the bluff on the summit of Bald Rock Mountain.  Around 2am, I awoke to the brilliant light of a near full moon flooding the interior of the hut, so I hiked up to the summit without a net, and sat overlooking Penobscot Bay, enjoying the view for the better part of an hour. . . seeing all of the features of the landscape brilliantly lit by moonlight, observing the navigation markers down on the bay, watching the shipping coming and going, and seeing the lights of Camden and other nearby towns.  It was all just stunning. . . night hiking naked has its own special charms.” - Dan

“Do people ever get tired of driving nude?  I don't; I love it.” – Kenfreehiker

“. . . why is it that certain people, who might refer to themselves as tolerant, bridle and dig in their heels the second I appear in the nude around them?  Why can’t they tolerate, in the spirit of coexistence, the simple fact of my naked body, a body that they possess?  I’m not asking them to accept my public nudity, or agree with my naturist philosophy, I’m just asking them to tolerate my nudity, within certain boundaries. . . why is the sight of a naked human being such a problem? . . . to say that a nude person is engaged in the sex act, or is likely to engage in the sex act, is to say that someone is eating, or likely to engage in eating, just because we see his or her mouth! . . . I find an instantly adverse reaction to nudity puzzling.  To be fair, most people tolerate nudity in many instances.  They may be amused, or shocked (pleasantly), or annoyed, but it never occurs to them to call in the police. . . it’s usually one or two who make the most fuss.  Why then, do the police shut down the nudist activity, especially when the majority doesn’t have a problem with it?  In other instances, one or two complaints don’t constitute legal enforcement or an infringement, so why is nudity an exception? . . . all nudists have ever asked of the society around them, is tolerance. . . Yet, in the past, police raided nudist parks and camps, where nudists practiced their preference behind fences! How can this be, in a society that is supposedly free? . . . All the inflamed hysteria over simple nudity only serves to foment more inflamed hysteria. . . if we just let naturists/nudists alone, nudity will soon become a non-issue. And we’ll find that so many of the side issues—prurience, unbridled lust, inappropriate behavior and pornography—will proportionately lessen as well. . . I hope I live to see this kind of tolerance happen.” – Tom Pine

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