Sunday, November 11, 2018

QUOTES 11/11/2018

“We have . . . our wallpaper picture on our laptop! . . . Just lent our laptop to my sister and her husband a few weeks ago, to look up some information and check their email while they were staying with us for a couple nights.  Our brother in law commented on the picture and asked...’did y'all go skinny dippin' someplace together!?’  I said, ‘yeah, the Caribbean!’  He wanted to talk about it more but was interrupted by his kids and never got to except to say....’wow, y'all's pretty progressive!’” – Fireprof

"Social Nudism Television Show Trailer” Video -

“You can trace nudism back to man's creation — you know, Adam and Eve and their shoddy fig leaves . . . Most ancient societies, from Greece to Egypt, have a rich history of nudism.  In America, though, nudism didn't necessarily crop up with the foundling country's first settlement.  The pilgrims believed that to be naked was to be depraved.  Things changed after the Revolutionary War, when nudity started to find a place in society.  The practice of nudity was popular with 19th century artists and authors like Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, and Henry David Thoreau, who's quoted as saying, ‘We cannot adequately appreciate this aspect of nature if we approach it with any taint of human pretense.  It will elude us if we allow artifacts like clothing to intervene between ourselves and this Other.  To apprehend it, we cannot be naked enough.  In Wilderness is the preservation of the world.’” – Connelly Hardaway,

“The modern Western ideas about ‘naughty’ areas of the nude body are pretty definitive: genitalia, buttocks and, in women, nipples and breasts.  It may surprise you to know that these particular ideas aren't embedded in European cultural history.  In fact, for certain periods in European fashion, the naked female breast was all the rage as a completely non-shocking addition to an outfit. . . we have records of fashionable court dresses for royal women of the 17th century that exposed the entire breast, but covered all the arms and legs to prevent even a sliver of flesh being seen.” – JR Thorpe,

“Do you get the feeling that nearly everyone wants to drive nude?” – Kenfreehiker

“Secret Nudist – If you’re a nudist or tried out naturism, does everyone in your life know?  All your friends, family, possibly coworkers?  Or Friday comes, you leave for the beach, and strip out of your textile-identity costume like Superman in a phone booth.  Except you’re totally nude and probably even more yourself in essence than you were before.  So who DO you tell?” – Felicity Jones,

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