Thursday, July 4, 2019

True Naked Independence Day
By Ken Sunwalker

Happy Independence Day all.

What will you do this holiday?  Amy and I will invite our friends to get naked with us to watch the fireworks from our porch.  What about you?

“. . . I will only find inner peace when I fully and always express the person I really am, without fear or concern about what others may think. . . when we live in this way, there is nothing anyone can say or do that will have the power to cause us pain.  We are so in touch with our purpose and what we offer life, that regardless of the environment around us, no negativity will be able to unfavorably impact us.  That’s being free and it’s in this place where we all belong.” -

As you watch the celebrations and fireworks today, ask yourself if you are a “truly” independent naturist.  According to The Naked Professor, quoted above, you are not independent and will never possess inner peace or freedom until you come to terms with who you really are, and always express that without fear or concern for others.  Quite a challenge!

Be True

Since a child, I have always been a naturist!  The desire to be naked came early, but I kept it a secret.  I was raised in a very conservative home and church environment, so as a result, I tried to conform.  But it didn’t work, because I couldn’t be open and honest about who I was.  So, I was always guilty, ashamed of being me, and this just led to problem behaviors: masturbation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, pornism.  I learned that if you try to squelch something like naturism, just the bad stuff remains and squishes out.  I couldn’t hide it.

This problem behavior extended way past childhood.  At times, I continued to exhibit many inappropriate behaviors, and this probably led to the destruction of a number of relationships.

Don’t get me wrong, I accomplished much during this time with schooling and religious service, but things never felt right.  Inside, I felt guilty and was ashamed to be the real me.  But I knew there must be a solution, so I kept searching.

Hiking naked became very important – I loved it.  Freehiking got me through.  Naked and at peace with nature was a partial solution.

Then, I moved to Glen Eden naturist resort for a few months, and I felt “at home” for the first time.  Others accepted my naked self.  I felt normal with others who understood, finally.

Since, I’ve visited 33 naturist resorts, many beaches and hot springs, and know the guilt-free feeling.  Most people I know realize I’m a naturist at heart, but my upbringing still haunts me at times.  Even though most people know of my naturist leanings, I’ve continued to use the excuse that “they don’t want to know the details”, so I am not fully exposed, still hiding in a way.  Still unable to be truly naked with many.

This is a huge mistake!  I can only be who I am.  You can only be who you are.  The past is past.  Why try to step back and hide?

“Why wear clothes and pretend you're someone that you're not.  Ditch the clothes and be yourself. . . In a world where you can be anything, why not be yourself!  Don't be ashamed, don't be afraid.  Be daring, be bold, be naked!” - Ohio Naturist

Since I can only be who I am, why try to hide my naturism.  Be naked.  Be bold!

The final step was meeting and marrying a wonderfully open and honest woman.  Without my conservative history and being open and honest with her from the start made all the difference.  She is my miracle.  Now I can be open with all family and friends – all who are willing.

So, this special holiday marks the date I will be open and become truly independent!

Categorize People

The first thing I will do is make a list of all the people I know and categorize them in three ways:

1.  People who will “definitely” accept me as a naturist and probably join right in.  This is a small number, it’s easy to be naked with them.

2.  People who “may” accept me as a naturist.  “Most” people fall in this category, many more than I expect, but these people “deserve” to know.

3.  Those who will “definitely not” accept me as a naturist.  It may be best to keep your naturism a secret from these “few” people - your boss, church leader, some family members, and the local busy body types, but keeping naturism a secret carries significant risks.  What if they find out?  The results may be devastating, so keep this group as small as possible.

Do I need a list.  Probably not, I can assess the people as I meet them.  But it doesn't hurt to plan ahead.

The SAT Process

If in doubt, talk!  That’s the safest and most honest course of action.  Use the SAT process to tell others and declare your independence.  The SAT process has three steps:


“I am a naturist.  That means I prefer not wearing clothes.”

Ask Permission

“Would you mind me being naked around you?”

Tell Why

“Would you like to know why I am a naturist?”

If so, just explain why you are a naturist.


Consider this thought from a naturist:

“‘Morning mom….hope you don’t mind but this is nude Saturday….or see your son-in-law naked day….or whatever you’d like to call it.  Let me know if it makes you uncomfortable or anything, because I certainly don’t want that.’  ‘Ok sounds good.  It doesn’t bother me at all.  I’m just glad you trust me so much and are so comfortable with me that you can do it with me here.  That means the world’.  And that was that.  About an hour later we stood there in the kitchen, me nude making tea, her clothed making coffee, as we chit chatted about this and that.  It was surreal.  But it was a great day.” – Naturist Thoughts

That’s the type of result I want and need.


So, this Independence Day I declare my independence!  How about you?

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