Wednesday, July 3, 2019

QUOTES 7/3/2019

“I’m a 22-year old Australian woman and nudist for 8 years. . . In my early teens my then boyfriend and his mates were going to our local nude beach. . . I decided to give it a shot.  I was so surprised at how free I felt.  I was hooked on my first try.  We stayed for a few hours, did a lot of swimming and some beach cricket too. . . I’m a nudist for sure.  I love to be naked whenever and where ever I can.” – Leanne,

“The Best Documentary Ever - W5 RARE: W5 VISITS NUDIST COLONY IN 1984” Video -

“I found it interesting to analyze how clothing dictates a lot about our self-expression with each other, in a silent way, and how we are able to judge one another just by the way we are dressed.  So I wanted to explore the idea of what life would be like if we didn’t have clothing at all as a barrier.” – Erica Simone,

“On one freehike I encountered a woman on a horse (you seldom hear a horse before it’s too late to dress).  As she rode past we exchanged greetings.  She said how nice it was that the rain had finally stopped, and how green the area was.  She didn’t mention my nudity and didn’t seem embarrassed or upset at all.” – Kenfreehiker

“Wild swimming takes some pluck.  But once you have found your deserted pool, disrobed and plunged in…well, it’s rather a lot of fun. . . wild swimming is supposed to be just that. . . four million Britons swim in wild waters every year – in rivers, lakes, waterfalls and the sea. . . some opt for the simplicity of their birthday suit.  The majority of us avoid total nakedness at all costs.  And our acute fear of embarrassment and disconnected view of our bodies, drummed into us by centuries of puritanism, Victorianism and Victoria Beckhamism, is not going to go away overnight – especially as some couples still undress in the dark . . . while others wear more to bed than they do during the day.  So it would seem inconceivable that many of us have at some point stripped off and gone for wild swimming or skinny-dipping in front of other people. . . It is such a typically British paradox that just under the surface of the coy, fearful and upright Brit is a ‘pants off, trousers down, isn’t life a scream’ anarchist.  This side of us can become apparent at social events situated near water.  Wild swimming might happen at picnics by the river, summer house parties by the lake or barbecues on the beach are often perfect opportunities for a cheeky dip in the nude.  The eight-year old within us desperately wants to throw off the bonds of clothing and run free, straight into the water and splash about like a loon with total abandon and without shame.  As the cold water covers our bodies from wild swimming, we feel alive.  We are free.” -

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