Monday, July 8, 2019

QUOTES 7/8/2019

“. . . the reason nudism is largely regarded as a niche subculture and not a serious movement to change culture and destigmatize the human body is because it hasn't been politically and philosophically vocal enough, especially in addressing issues that affect the body image and general human dignity of young people and women.  People seem to get the image of secluded people playing volleyball. . . it's fine as long as I don't have to see it.  ‘Millennials’ are very accepting of many causes that would feed into this, there has to be a reason for the lag.” – Daisyboob,

“Guinness World Record Midsummer Skinnydip” (Video) -

“I look at this girl now and wonder, ‘Why did she even wear any clothes?  She could've just walked around naked all the time!’  Whenever I get the chance I show everyone my nudes. . . My mom's group is sick of my nudes.  The Jehovah's Witnesses have stopped coming by.  Even the neighborhood realtors don't leave their flyers in our gate anymore for fear I'll chase them down the street with my photo album shrieking,’ Look at my nudes!  Wasn't I gorgeous?!’ . . . I don't have the same body I had in my nudes.  But ... not bad. . . In 21 years from now I'll look back at this photo and think - I looked great.  Why did I worry so much about sucking in my soft round belly?  It barely showed!  And my kids loved to snuggle on it, my husband too.  Why didn't I enjoy the way I looked and especially the way I felt, which was extravagantly healthy? . . . Any woman worth her salt knows all about the photo-shopping and air brushing that runs rampant in the advertising industry, accosting us relentlessly with fake perfection. . . We all know that advertisers make it their business to manipulate us into hating ourselves so we'll buy their products.  Still an image [nude] is worth a thousand words.  As a society we are brainwashed into the perpetual quest for perfection and it's just NOT POSSIBLE.  So I won't be losing weight.  What I'll be doing is: Developing a healthier relationship with food. And maintaining a healthy weight.”

“I took the shorts off and nobody looked, nobody pointed, nobody laughed.  Obviously not.  Everyone else was naked too. . . Respect is probably the number one value among naturists, and nakedness is definitely shared.” - Abigail Moss,

“I'm truly not sure who saw us naked last.  We are naked out in our backyard so much that any one of the occupants of the neighboring houses could have seen us.  I'm sure that any of those ‘neighbors’ saw us naked as we play on our artificial putting green, use the pool or do any number of things we do in our backyard . . . because we are always naked at home and in our backyard.” – AndyDi,

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