Saturday, July 6, 2019

QUOTES 7/6/2019

“Being nude doesn't bother me at all - I'm more than happy with my body - and I'm feeling a sort of thrill knowing I'll soon be swimming around as naked as the day I was born.  I picture myself as an ethereal creature, casting off my clothes and prancing around like one of Joseph Tomanek's Nymphs Dancing to Pan's Flute.” – Emily Hodgkin,

“Trailer Bestie di scena” Video -

“Many in the clothes free community describe the joy of peeling off the layers of clothing in order to feel free, and, most of all, to feel their true self.  Similarly, I invite you to peel off the layers of all you think / assume you know yourself to be, and to see yourself as limitless. . . Peel off the layers of your assumptions about your self and embrace the idea that your natural self is organically limitless.” – Hontouniheart,

“I sleep nude all of the time, even in winter.  If I don't need to go anywhere all day and night, then I never put any clothes on.” – Red Bucket,

“A complaint would require whoever to stop what they are doing in the hills to make a call and meet the police, if the sheriff would make the drive on a back road and hike after us, which is also unlikely.  If other people had a mind to complain, they would have to stop their day to meet the law enforcement.  The law states clearly that one must cover the genitals, specifically the anus, and women their aureole.  Holding something in front of your crotch, even just hands is enough on the trail to comply with the law that could be enforced.  There is a reasonable right and expectation of privacy in the law.  Reasonable, people would expect some degree of solitude.  As long as there is an obvious attempt to comply with the law by covering genitals, there is obviously no attempt to alarm someone else. . . I often have stood hands on crotch or some piece of cloth in front of it, obviously having been nude and say something like, ‘I hope that you aren't offended with nudity.’  That potentially opens a conversation, usually positive. They . . . will say something to put us at ease.  All in all, the potential for trouble is nil. . . If you bump into a Forest service official, it would be, ‘Cover 'em up’ at the most.” – Jbee,

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