Saturday, July 13, 2019

QUOTES 7/13/2019

“The more naked people we have being naked people the greater will be the normalization of the naked body.  This will benefit all of us naked people as well as the greater society around us, and the rest of the world.  Their naked thing may not be your naked thing, but we're all naked, and that's good.” – HappyBare,

“Les Mots d'Elles / Sophie Sainrapt / 15 mn” Video -

“The au naturel look is catching on at city restaurants, a Midtown yoga club and even a stand-up comedy joint.  ‘We're just more comfortable nude,’ said John Ordover, who rents city eateries for dinner parties with a strict dress code - no clothes allowed. . .  ‘We're not out to shock or put on a public spectacle.  We want only to do things that other people do in the way that we are most comfortable doing them.  That, for us, is without clothes,’ he said.  About 50 diners - whose motto is ‘no hot soup’ - regularly turn up for Ordover's monthly meals held at venues including the Mercantile Grill on Pearl  Street and Pete's Downtown in Brooklyn.  They're served by regular restaurant staff - forced by city laws to keep their clothes on.  ‘We've never had a restaurant say no to us, and the waiters think nothing of it,’ said Ordover, 46, who works as a Web marketer when he has his clothes on. ‘If you work in a restaurant in New York City, the chances are you've seen a lot more shocking things than a room full of naked diners,’ he added.” – Adam N.

“There's a running joke that we have with a few textile friends who know we're nudists.  Its theme is about how well we must look after our clothes, as ours still look in good condition ages after we were first seen in them, while our friend’s clothes seem to get replaced far more.  We often end up advising them to leave their clothes hanging up or folded away and stay nude.” – Nik Nudist,

“Playing ping-pong in the nude is so much fun!” - Kathy Barron,

“Everybody always asks me, ‘How do you even do that? [race naked] Isn’t everything flopping around?  Is it uncomfortable?  For me, it’s not.  It’s really free . . . I always make the joke: I have less drag.  I’m way more aerodynamic with no clothes on . . . it was so much fun, and every fear I had just went away . . . We were born naked.  Our bodies were designed to be naked.  So, when we’re doing an activity like that, it’s not about our bodies.  It’s our minds we have to tell to shut up.” – Whitney Lasseter,

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