Wednesday, July 4, 2018

QUOTES 7/4/2018

“Any beach recreational area could be designated as a clothed beach on specific days of the weeks and as a nude beach on other days.  Public notice of when nudity was permitted or prohibited could be easily accomplished with signage.  For days when nudity was permitted, no one wearing clothing or swimming attire should be allowed on the beach who refuse to disrobe within a reasonable amount of time.  This could be easily enforced by volunteer beach patrols similar to the Beach Ambassadors organization at Haulover Beach in Miami-Dade County, Florida.” – Larry Darter,

“Beach Bums - exploring the beaches of Santa Cruz naked” (Video) -

“I lost my wilderness when I lost my fear. . . Once you lose your 'sense of wilderness' you gain something much more precious - the sense of existing as a part of the natural world. This is not something that ends when you come out of the woods.  It's a life lesson . . . It's about experiencing nature in a direct way, and it's also about experiencing yourself in a direct way after you've removed your masks and set aside your filters of preconception. . . What makes wilderness natural is the fact that you are immersed in the natural world.  Once you put clothing on in a deep woods spot, you aren't part of the wilderness anymore, you are in direct touch with civilization.  You are wearing a mask that protects you not just physically, but also mentally from the wilderness.” – Shane

“We had a nice snowfall followed by a warming trend so I could not pass up a trip to the farm. . . So on a bright sunny day while there was still snow cover a trip and walk was in order.  I hesitate to call it a hike because there was not much distance involved and it was still a little cold to spend outside naked for long.  So after a drive where the uniform of the day were coveralls, hiking boots, hat and sunglasses, I quickly lost the coveralls at the farmhouse and began to explore.  Since we haven't really had much of a winter the pond only had a light covering of ice with bare spots at the inflow and outflows, much of the old roadways had melted in the sun leaving a muddy trail. . . So for a little over an hour I walked back and forth from the truck to different areas I wished to see in winter.  Not wanting to get dressed again, I reluctantly pulled the coveralls on again since the return trip would mean passing buses as school was about to be dismissed.” - NudeWalker

“[My wife] shares my interest in hiking, so we've done that a lot together.  At one point on one of our hikes together near Provo, UT, I decided to be funny, and when I was a bit behind her on the trail, I slipped off the bottom half of my clothes and caught back up to her, just to see her reaction.  She laughed, but told me not to put them back on.  Later, we went off the trail a bit, and we both shed our clothes and just enjoyed the feel of the sun and wind on our skin.” – Cori

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