Thursday, April 9, 2020

QUOTES 4/9/2020

“I live in the desert near Palm Springs where I hike naked more than I do with clothes on.  There's plenty of empty desert where I never encounter another hiker.  It's more comfortable to hike naked in hot weather and I don't get tan lines.” – Ron

“Camping naturiste l'Eglantière” (Video) -

“Nudists who are comfortable living without clothing tend to not see anything wrong with that, and so we have trouble understanding those who do see something wrong with it.” – Richpasco,

“Thomas Carlyle, an educated man, and a proponent of nudism wrote a dissertation challenging the wearing of clothing.  In this discussion he brought up the moral and religious influence of wearing clothes.  He theorized that people would be healthier and happier if they forsook clothing.” – Jordan Blum,

“The overwhelming majority of people don't have a consistent moral framework that they use to reason whether something is right or wrong.  For most people, their morality is determined by whether they perceive something as normal within their social group. . . they're just going off of what most other people are doing. . . As this applies to nudity, it's pretty straightforward.  Most people think nudity is wrong simply because they never see anyone nude and everyone agrees it's wrong.  It follows that any culture will develop this taboo as soon as it becomes normal for a normal person to wear clothes. . . people start wearing them for pragmatic reasons, it becomes normal to wear them and then abnormal to not wear them, and abnormality is judged as wrong.  And bam, you have a taboo.” – ejp,

“When we use the word ‘nudism’ many people think they know what we mean.  It is as if they simply nod and stop thinking about it once we use that word.  Unhappily, many people have inaccurate, or very simplistic, ideas about what nudism means.  We invented the word ‘naturism’ to replace it, and were frustrated when it was hijacked by those bad actors and ignorance that had tainted the word ‘nudism’.  The answer, of course, is not more linguistic gymnastics but rather better education and getting our message out in front of folks so they can see what we really mean when we talk about our lifestyle.” -

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