Sunday, April 26, 2020

QUOTES 4/26/2020

“The medical scientists suggest that sleeping naked have many health benefits, which definitely is good news for all those who love to sleep with clothes off.  The people who are habitual of going to sleep unclothed are well aware of the benefits like calmer and more induced sleep.” -

“Anyone who thinks nudity is automatically sexy hasn’t spent much time with nudists.  When they get naked they like to do it in a wholesome, family-friendly atmosphere that would resemble a Baptist church supper if the Baptists went for strip volleyball.” - Andrea Cooper,

“It was a hot summer evening, but the sweaty conditions didn't discourage hundreds of cyclists from showing up (sans most of their clothing) for the annual World Naked Bike Ride.  After gathering in the West Loop, the mass of stripped-down riders set out on a route that took them through River North, Wicker Park and Lincoln Park.  Raising awareness of cyclist rights and positive body image, the group turned heads and elicited confused stares throughout the city.” (Many Photos) -

“Social nudity together:  What does it achieve?  If you have done it and found yourself ‘at ease’ after the first fifteen minutes of anxiety, then you already know an answer to this question!  You had a good or at least pleasant experience, and now you are in a position of knowledge, or wisdom, and you can share it with others.” -

“Naked and Afraid is one of my favorite TV shows. . . If you aren’t familiar the Discovery channel show places two people, a man and woman, in the wild without food and clothes for 21 days.  The couple have to survive using their wits and any resources they can find in their wilderness habitat. . . it has grown in popularity.  The Twitter account has almost 60,000 followers and the Instagram account has 22,000. . . Naked and Afraid has a good fan base.  All those fans are one step closer to understanding the concept of simple nonsexual nudity, something naturists should be happy about.” -

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