Monday, April 13, 2020

QUOTES 4/13/2020

“I also love to be clothes free as much as I possibly can, and I’ve tried to fuse these two biggest passions of mine together in my creations.  That’s why I like to call myself a nude artist.” -

“Highlights from the World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) Brighton 2016” (Video) -

“Five famous people who enjoyed nakedness: David Duchovny (Actor), David Ginola (French Spurs Soccer Star), Demi Moore (Actor), Dolly Parton (Singer/Actor), Donna Summer (Singer).

“I became a home nudist several years ago, partly because I realized that I had repressing it for a long time.  It's just part of who I am.” – Jim Janoff,

“Though I considered myself pretty damn comfortable with being naked (you'll find me naked at home on my couch as I write this, laptop balanced atop my bush), what I found . . . is that I had an entire other layer of shame around my nakedness and body, just waiting to be shed.  To my own surprise, my four days at a nudist resort profoundly changed my life.  I left feeling, with a nearly evangelical surety, that being naked in ‘public’ is something every woman should get to experience at least once in her life.” – Rachel Krantz,

“Hiking naked enhances the appreciation of nature.” –

“In the United States we are experiencing a near epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency.  Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin.  The body manufactures it from exposure to sunshine.  Today many children are not exposed to enough sunshine.  They are protected while out doors with sun block and/or clothing that blocks the UV rays.  They wear these items even while swimming.  Children are preferring to remain indoors playing video games rather than playing out doors.  Mothers are now not serving their children Vitamin D fortified milk.  They are getting soy milk instead.  This can all lead to serious problems so if you have any input in the raising of a child, speak up and have the child get some natural sunshine each day.” – Desert Rat,

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