Monday, April 20, 2020

QUOTES 4/19/2020

“Social nudity teaches cooperation and friendship on a different level.  Social nudity allows individuals to set aside fear, hesitation, confusion and embarrassment and move on to learning about other people in the fullest sense of the term; about the ‘whole person’ and it also allows the other person to be a whole person in their entirety - if they freely choose.” -

“. . . it takes a fair amount of courage for most people to try social nudity – and to admit that they enjoy it, if they are successful in trying it.  It takes courage to explain to skeptics of social nudity, let alone people who are actively hostile towards it, what is so good about it.  But almost inevitably one has to undertake such explanation to the skeptics and hostiles in order to justify a choice to participate in social nudity.” -

“Never scuttle to hide away or do anything panicky looking to cover yourself as this only reinforces the idea that you are doing something wrong by being naked.  A controlled covering of the genitals to appease any potential prudes is all that is required and will often prompt a response to the effect that you needn't have bothered.  The right effect to aim at is a polite acknowledgement that the other persons may not wish to see your genitals although they have no right to insist that you conceal that part of your anatomy.” – JohnGw,;topicseen

“Never hate yourself, everyone has an internal beauty (personality, attitude, emotions) that far exceeds a perceived external physical beauty that has been manufactured by others.  Removing that fabricated external ‘beauty’ and being nude frees everyone to be who they really are.  Nudism is all about accepting yourself and others for who they are, not for what they look like or how they want others to perceive them.  While most of us strive to be healthier, and many strive to drop a few pounds, nudists don’t hide the true person they are.  Nudists understand that the ‘ideal body’ that the media portrays is a fantasy.  No one can look like that, and no one should attempt to look like that.  Each person is perfect how we are, and every nudist accepts each other as we are.” - forrealnudistsnaturists,

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