Monday, June 17, 2019

“You’ll sleep so much better naked than wearing even the softest PJs.” – Kensunwalker


I've slept naked for years.  Now it's the only way to be comfortable when sleeping.  Why would a naturist ever want to sleep in clothes?

Do you sleep naked?

My wife also sleeps naked with me.  How about your wife?


  1. “Nudity is everywhere!” – Kensunwalker

    Where at? I never can find it! I must go across town just to be open and free with myself and others!

  2. Naked freedom is individual of course. It is more difficult for some than for others. It is our responsibility to find that freedom for ourselves. Start by admitting to yourself and others that you are a naturist. Then remain nude. The more we accept naked as natural, the easier it is to accept naked freedom, eventually everywhere.
