Thursday, June 20, 2019

QUOTES 6/20/2019

“When it comes down to the simple math of it all, there are more places to get naked in a single district (think county or small state in the US) in France than that in all of the United States combined.” -

“Vacances naturelles, vacances naturistes” (Video) -

“My generation doesn't really know what an older woman truly looks like . . . We feel guilty when we don’t look like models and YouTube stars, so of course on some level, we’re going to feel horrified at the thought of a naturally ageing body.  It’s a sad situation and it won't change until older women are truly accepted. . . The elderly shouldn’t have to try and win our approval – they should be given a basic level of respect and acceptance.” – Radhika Sanghani,

“I have yet to find clothes that are truly comfortable for any expecting mother. . . I found my pregnancy, though fairly small at the time, to be quite a conversation starter.  Strangers would congratulate us and ask the typical follow up questions.” – Charlotte,

“. . . there is no ‘normal’ body type, that certain body types are not ‘sexier’ or ‘more beautiful’ than others.  This was a randomly selected group of women and the photos show that there are so many variations to body shape and size—not just the small selection of images that we regularly see presented to us through the media.  Each one of them is unique and beautiful in their own special way—yes, they may seem similar to others, yet they are completely incomparable.  No two are the same.  We are, each of us, exquisite and unique.  Bodies should be celebrated, it’s time we worshipped them and appreciated all that they do for us, understanding that it’s all our tiny imperfections that make us so entirely unique in the world.  Who we are is found on the inside.  As the vehicles that transport us, our bodies are meant to be adored in full form.  In my personal opinion, it would be great if people realized that their negative comments or judgements towards people who they feel do not ‘fit’ their perceived image of perfection say more about themselves than about the person they are directed to.” - Alex Sandra Myles,

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