Saturday, June 15, 2019

QUOTES 6/15/2019

“We often forget how good it feels to be nude.  The skin is an amazing organ that is very sensitive to even the slightest touch, and feeling a new sensation actually stimulates brain activity. . . When you wake up in the morning and start to get ready for the day, the worst part very well may be standing in front of your closet deciding what to wear.  If you’re not wearing any clothes, then the decision is pretty easy. . . Nothing’s worse than taking off your shirt to reveal a pale, white chest when you’re trying to impress someone.  Obviously, if you’re in the nude then you don’t need to worry about tan lines. . . In this crazy world, most people have an unattainable image of what they believe their body should look like. This leads to a variety of problems, including eating disorders and poor self-esteem.  If you spend more time out of your clothes, you’ll get a lot more comfortable with what your body looks like. . . Just take a second to think about how much laundry you do in a month.  Now imagine having all of that free time back. . . In addition to the time saved, you’ll also save money in these ways: Lower water bills, Lower electricity bills, Don’t need detergent, Don’t need fabric softener.  If you love going on vacation, you know how much packing sucks.  Why not just leave your clothes behind and pack light instead? . . . In addition, you’ll fly right through security . . . Just take your trips to the beach without any clothes and you won’t have sand in your suit ever again!  Workout clothes are expensive, so what if you could avoid that expense and get a better workout? . . . Without clothes, you have a truly full range of motion and your movements will not be restricted. . . The main purpose of clothing is to regulate body temperature, but in the summer it just traps heat and rapidly warms your body.  By going naked, the skin is exposed to raw air, which makes it feel much more comfortable.” –

“It’s daunting for female surfers to match the image of being a tan, fit beach girl in a bikini . . .So posing naked for these photos was liberating and helped me stop stressing about my insecurities.” – Steph Gillmore – Surfer in ESPN’s Body Issue,

“My wife and I went to an amusement park in Oklahoma City a couple years ago.  Hot summer day so some of the water rides were in order.  When we decided to go to the parking lot and get in our car we were too wet.  We had towels, put them on our seats, undressed right in the parking lot, put our clothes in the back, got in the car, put the windows down (warm evening), drove thru the metro and 40-miles on the interstate all the way home nude.  Very refreshing, folks coming and going in the parking lot didn't seem to mind.” – Sassycoupleok,

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