Saturday, June 22, 2019

QUOTES 6/22/2019

“If you are looking for a naturist holiday, then Italy is where you should go!  In a country where naturists make up about 23 percent of the population, . . . Although a devout Catholic country, Italy has fully accepted the concept of nudism and naturism tourism.  As such Italians no longer recoil at the sight of a nudist gathering!  They no longer see nudism as a sexual act, but as a way of living, comparable to vegetarianism, perhaps.  While most beaches in Italy are topless beaches, there are some which entertain nudity. . . In a 2006 law, Italy designated certain beaches as places where nudity is legal.  The law requires that such beaches have signs stating that they are nude beaches.  Therefore, avoid going nude on a public, overcrowded beach if you do not want to pay fines . . . This is because going naked isn’t necessarily the norm in Italy; it is exclusive.” -

“MIRADA 2012 - Isso te Interessa? | Cia Brasileira de Teatro” (Video) -

“Pedophilia is not caused by images – Pedophilia is a disorder that, in part, causes those afflicted to seek out imagery of children.  However, pedophiles existed long before photographic equipment was invented.  Their disease is what causes them to seek out children whether in image form or in person.  Nude images of children are not the problem.  Pedophiles get arousal from any images of children.  They are aroused even by what is clinically called ‘neutral’ imagery.  However, even if we managed to get rid of all images of children (dressed or not) we would not reduce the number of pedophiles.  The disease would still exist and they would find other ways to fulfil their desires.  We must punish the perpetrator not the victim.  As a society, we must be careful not to cause harm to the victims in our attempts to protect them.  In the case of pedophilia and child pornography it is important to remember that it is the pedophile who is the criminal.  If we cause parents and children to become afraid of the human form, we will only succeed in causing psychological distress without stopping the pedophile. . . there is no question that child pornography where children are abused is intolerable and should be stopped whenever it is found.  However, it is important to understand that the problem is the pedophile.  If we stop the pedophile we will automatically stop child pornography.” -

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