Monday, December 9, 2019

QUOTES 12/9/2019

“. . . one night I went to the disco and there was a woman, probably in her 70s, wearing a see-through French maid's outfit.  She had her walker and was in the middle of the dance floor just shaking it.  I thought to myself, 'It's either the most horrible thing I've ever seen or the most inspiring.'  I hope when I'm her age I have the courage to do that.” – Haskell Smith,

“WNBR Byron bay 2017” (Video) -

“. . . when meeting new people naked the whole bonding thing seems to run a lot faster. Maybe it’s just having a common interest but I think it’s more likely having a number of common character traits.” – Peter Vernon,

“Some people continuously debate with themselves over whether to try nudism or not.  For some reason they feel drawn to be nude. . . End the intrigue, the angst, and the doubt and just try it already. . . End the debate and go for it.” -

“I just drove home from work nude.  I dropped off my work friend, drove around the corner, found a spot to park, and took off all my clothes.  I took off my shoes and wearing only sunglasses I started for home. . . I usually finish early on Friday and I plan to drive nude to the local nudist resort.” – muzbenude,

“I like being in my birthday suit.  I feel restricted when I wear clothes.  I discovered then there are places that embrace being in the nude.” - Tim, Hong Kong-based engineer,

“Naturism has proved to be de-stressing, firstly because of the nature and secondly because the naturist, literally has nothing to hide.” -

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