Friday, December 6, 2019

QUOTES 12/6/2019

“Create a blog or Facebook page (both done easily, without any expense) and tell people what naturism means to you.  Find out more about social networking and start inter-acting with other naturists.  Sign up to newsletters.  Create a photo album.  Join chat rooms.  Open a Twitter account.  It all helps in making naturism more widely discussed and more socially acceptable.  You’ll stimulate debate, learn something along the way, make new friends or maybe even find a new vocation.” -

“Travel In The Raw Scarlett-Morgan Season 1 Episode 3” (video) -

“What It's Like to Run a 5K Completely Naked . . . EVERYTHING moves when you run naked.  And EVERYTHING makes sounds.  Accepting those facts beforehand helped me run with far less anxiety on race day. . . Running side-by-side with other naked women and men, I realized I wasn't any weirder looking (or sounding) than anybody else.  Because when you strip down in front of hundreds of other naked people, there's nothing special about you.  Your birthday suit helps you blend in.” – Naomi Teeter,

“. . . Czech artist Martin-Gabriel Pavel . . . thought to himself: What better way to meet new people in Berlin than taking pictures of them naked? . . . Daily Portrait Berlin is a kind of chain reaction started by Martin and now living a life of its own.  He started the process by taking a picture of Elle in her apartment.  Naked.  She than took his camera and made a photo of M, who in turn took a photo of Jonathan, and so on.  The next one in line can be a friend or a stranger.” -

“There is nothing wrong with being clothed. There is also nothing wrong with being unclothed.  When a person is cold, needs protection for a task at hand, or is walking on rocky ground, clothing could be helpful or even necessary.  But how often do people put on clothes out of habit, security, or to comply with puritanical societal conventions?” -

“Naturist people are able to go through these natural body processes without the feeling of shame, and thus experience less anxiety about them.” -

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