Wednesday, February 28, 2018

QUOTES 2/28/2018

“I love to ballroom dance, and dances are common at naturist resorts, so I thought I’d love dancing at resorts.  I was mostly wrong.  I’ve enjoyed naturist dances at Shangri La Resort in Arizona because the DJ there played good danceable music, and Olive Dell Ranch has small, enjoyable, non-sexualized dances.  A friend of ours enjoyed dancing at a TNS convention at Lupin Lodge which says lots because he doesn’t normally like to dance.  Unfortunately, nude dances at other resorts I’ve visited seemed to attract a sexually-oriented crowd.  People who never attend other naturist activities showed up for dances wearing sexually-oriented clothing and lingerie.  Friends have excused this saying, ‘It’s just a fun costume’, but I usually feel uncomfortable, so leave early.  I’ve heard from other naturists who also avoid dances at resorts because of the sexual-orientation that seems to exist.  The fact that very few people ever write positive experiences about nude dances at naturist resorts is telling.  It seems that ‘nude-only’ dances, especially if young people are invited, are less sexually-oriented than clothing optional dances that often attract those who aren’t nudists.  For those who love dancing, I’d recommend dancing at nude karaoke events.  The music is more conducive to dancing, the floor is less crowded, but mostly, the atmosphere is less sexually charged.” – Kenfreehiker

“Great British Skinny Dip” (Video) -

“They are very embarrassed to get their clothes off for the first time . . . then they are more comfortable, but when they see cameras around, they try to move away.  Sometime later they agree to be photographed on their backs.  Until they take their nudity as a matter of course takes a long time.” – Lucas Hope,

“. . . the more you try to cover up, the more you appear naked.” – Marc Umile,

“Our trip to Lake Havasu was great. . . Once onboard with our morning snack and coffee, off came the clothes and turned up the heater in the truck!  I was completely nude . . . 5+hrs of naked driving. . . Arrived in Havasu and got into our friend’s home. . . We visited for a while and before yah know it, all 6 of us were nude enjoying each other’s company.  Left Havasu a few days later. . . Got in the truck and off came the clothes.  Nice ride home again.  Drove through a State Agriculture check point in the nude.  Talked with the Inspector - he didn't come close enough to the truck to be concerned. . . Got home, backed half way into the garage and unloaded the truck in the nude.  Looked around for the neighbors - very quiet and no one out - window blinds closed - I parked the truck in the driveway and got out nude and walked inside the house.  What a great trip!” - Fire Prof

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