Thursday, February 20, 2020

QUOTES 2/20/2020

“I had been pushing off exercising naked because I was nervous about feeling my wobbly bits more intensely than I do in clothes.  But, man, do I wish I hadn't, because working out naked is awesome.” – Ally Hirschlag,

“Yoga for Weight Loss & Fat, Complete Beginners Video for daily Exercise Routine Video -

“I’ve certainly never told my kids that the naked body is dirty or tried to act as if there were something wrong should they view someone naked.  By doing so, THAT’S how you make kids into perverts and sexual deviants.” – JT,

“Should we protect our children from seeing more than ‘what’s good for them’?  Many people still think that they should keep their children ignorant about nudity and sex.  But those people seem to forget that it’s not because you don’t tell them, they don’t know.  They know their way around the internet better than anyone else, do you really think they don’t know what porn is?  Just because people don’t talk about it with their children, or worse, forbid them to do some investigation themselves makes it more interesting for them. . . This is why nudism is good for children, they consider nudity as a normal thing, not something they have to ache for, not something they have to secretly search for on the internet.  Nudist teens don’t confuse sexual attraction with a longing to see someone naked.  Sexual attraction to them is much less polluted.” -

“This society's over sexualization of the human body by media and advertising campaigns contribute to gender discrimination and a rape culture.  Having areas where non sexual nudity is accepted and legal goes a long way to reverse societies perception that nudity implies sex.” – Ronald Mercer,

“Although you can do yoga and meditation alone and/or without being naked, doing them naked, as part of a group, can reinforce your motivation to continue and advance your level of mastery.” -

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