Saturday, February 8, 2020

QUOTES 2/8/2020

“Teaching respect and raising up the beauty of human existence and the special purposes of nudity, intimacy and respect for every person’s body may change the cultural mindset of everyone for the better!” -

“Naturisme: Respect des autres et de la nature, convivialité sérénité délicatesse bienveillance” (Video) -

“You can enjoy the freedom and sensation of being naked anywhere and regardless of whether or not anyone is with you.  Being naked on your own in a forest isn’t being naked at home or being social.” – London Naturist,

“I personally, don't give rat's arse what people think when I bare my body to the sun in my back garden!” – Augustus John,

“. . . be more casual about nudity around the house.  Join your kids and wife skinny dipping.  Take a shower and stay naked for a while; go outside and let the sun dry you off.  Leave your bedroom and bathroom door open when changing clothes or showering.  Let your children know that their bodies are nothing to be ashamed or afraid of.” – NatureBoy,

“Look - it's not hard to understand.  Everyone knows it feels good to be nude.  There's no reason not to try living clothes-free at home.” -

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